Meet the Artist: Leah McGowan

Who are you?  What year are you?  What are your interests?
My name is Leah McGowan and I am finally a senior. I love singing and acting obviously, but I also take an interest in wasting all my money on clothes and food. My personal favorite money trap is Target!!

What exactly do you do for Oklahoma!?
I play Virginia. One of Laurey’s sweet friends who is secretly a burlesque dancer. If you tune in next year we will be doing the show Virginia’s Oklahoma! It’s all about how Virginia handles her friendship with Laurey, her super underground job, and her copious love interests.

Why did you join Oklahoma!?
I always love the Homestead musicals and I need to keep my streak going for my senior year. It is my tenth show and I’m so excited to participate.

Tell us a story from rehearsal, pit practice, or crew session.
My favorite part of every show is when a couple of us girls, who are in It’s a Scandal, are backstage. We always dance super aggressively and have so much fun(silently of course). But it’s always my favorite part of every show and I’m so glad I get to be included in the scene, it’s one of my favorite songs! 

What is Oklahoma! about? Why should people come to see it?
Basically Laurey and Curly fall in love blah blah but oh no there’s Jud. But that’s not what you want to hear. You’re here for Virginia’s story. Well, it starts out when her mother and her father fell in love, jk thats way too far back. The story starts with Virginia entering with one of her best friends. She then makes fun of Laurey for being delusional. Then she and the other girls from the town sing a little song mocking Laurey. They then laugh away. The next scene you see Virginia in is It’s a Scandal where she chases one of her many love interests off stage because he was trying to overthrow their love. A couple scenes later Laurey is again seen doing something dumb and Virginia and their other friends come to the rescue. This scene highlights Virginia’s amazing singing and dancing talent with a solo. She is next seen doing a riveting burlesque dance with yet another love interest. Woah Virginia is talented. After a quick break, Virginia is back at it again with her last love interest. They are seen together during Farmer and the Cowman and once more during the box social. She is last seen wowing the crowd with her amazing table dancing during the finale Oklahoma!

What do you hope the audience will think about in the car as they drive home after this show?
“I can’t wait to go see Virginia’s Oklahoma! It’ll probably be really amazing and I hope Leah gets Virgina again, she did such a good job this time!”

Anything else you want to talk about?
I would like to thank my parents for dealing with me singing my solo over and over again at 11pm!

Come see Oklahoma! Feb 1-4 at Homestead High School!!

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